Building Schools
According to UNESCO data from 2019, of all the regions in the world, Sub-Saharan Africa has the worst rate of education exclusion—more than one-fifth of children aged 6-11 are out of school, followed by one-third of youth between 11-14.
Girls are more likely to be out-of-school at primary school age than boys, at 21.4% and 16.3% respectively.
20% of children in Sub-Saharan Africa are “unlikely to ever enter school,” on par in percentage terms with the global figure.

The cost of food, clothing, stationery and books means families are often unable to afford to send their children to school even if tuition is free.
In the war of putting food on the table and stay clothed more often than not school supplies gets the cut from the list of bare necessities.
Many children go to school without notebooks, pens or even textbooks for the classes they are learning. Many children share 1 textbook in the classroom.
Students using wood or stone tablets acting as a notebook page is not a rare scene in rural areas.
You can donate today to help fill a school bag with stationary supplies for only 20 USD.
According to UN Tanzania 86% enrollment rate from Primary School level drops to a measly 33% enrollment rate in Secondary Level education. School being `too far away’, was one of the reasons listed for this drop out in the rates.
Students from rural areas in Tanga have to travel long distances to reach higher education schools as the higher education institutes are more dispersed in rural areas. The average distance is more than 10 KM, and there are many children who travel 15 KM daily to reach school. The children start journey at 6 and reach at 9, dead tired and unable to focus on studies. Only 10% of the children have bicycle. This reason alone drops the attendance rates as children fear of punishment in school for being late or want to avoid the risks associated with traveling alone in a rural setting especially for the female students.
You can help a student by donating a bicycle today for only 100 USD.
Mosques Build
Families Benifited
Years of experience
As Islamic Help Africa through our various different projects we tackle these problems whenever we can by renovating classrooms, drilling school wells and building safe and clean toilets.
Now we are stepping our ante and unveil this project for a sponsorship of school renovations where an individual or a group of individuals will contribute towards the renovations that is needed to be done from drilling a well to repairing classrooms structures to installing a school playground.
1. Building Toilets and WASH facilities
2. Repairing roof and floors
3. Installing Solar Panels for boarding students
4. Rain/Roof water harvesting and Storage
5. Building schools playground and landscaping
6. Providing school stationery and mosquito nets for all the students
You can donate to become the part of the change one school at a time.
Higher education is costly all around the world. In Africa where higher education is highly needed in order to break the cycle of poverty finding scholarships becomes more challenging as it is expensive. For this reason alone, the current tertiary enrolment rate across Africa stands at just over 12% – well below the global average of 32%. You can help a student by sponsoring their 3 years of higher education at 1500 usd per year. Each donation goes towards a student’s higher education tuition and school supply fees, accommodation and food needs.
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