Islamic Help Tanzania is committed to adhere to the standards and principles of Quality and Accountability (Joint Standard Initiatives, SDGs as well as commitments on Child protection) in all its programming, policies and procedures. IHT has mechanisms in place to ensure that quality and accountability standards are mainstreamed throughout the project lifecycle, adapted to the local context.


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    IHT builds capacity of staff on Q& A standards through orientations and trainings.


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    IHT also introduces Complaints Response and Handling Mechanism in projects to ensure greater voice to communities.


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    IHT also monitors mainstreaming process which helps to understand the extent, to which the objectives of the project are being or have been met, set against relevant Q&A standards, to which gender needs are being or have been met, set against specified indicators, the involvement and engagement of the participants, lessons learned and best practices and indirect benefits of the project activities.


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