Tanzanya: Eğitim

Okulların İmarı

Çocuklar okula dönsün – geleceğe yatırım Pangani İlçesinde 34 ilkokul vardır ve toplam öğrenci sayısı 5789 erkek ve 5736 kız öğrenci olmak üzere toplam 11525tir. İlkokul b,inaları, tuvalet binalarından, lavabolardan, öğretmen ofislerinden (39 ilkokul öğretmeni halihazırda bir ofise sahip değildir) yoksundur ve binaların çatıları akmaktadır. Pangani ilçesindeki 34 okuldan yanlızca 3ünün tuvalet binası yoktur, sadece 4 okulun suyu ve 3 okulun elektriği vardır. Genel olarak bir sınıfta 134 çocuk birarada ders görmekte ve bu durum konsantrasyonlarını azaltarak potansiyellerine ulaşmalrını engellemektedir. Çocukların çoğu ortaokula gelmeden okulu bırakmaktadır.

Bunun ötesinde öğretmenlere gerekli eğitimleri vermek de çok önemlidir – çocukların %67si İngilizce sınavlarından kalmaktadır. Islamic Help  öğretmenlerin kapasitesini artırmak ve özellikle İngilizce ve IT alanlarında yardım sağlamak için planlar yapmaktadır.


Islamic Help Eğitim projesi varolan okulları imar etmekte ve aşağıdaki hizmetleri sunmaktadır.:

  1. Tuvalet ve lavabolar inşa etmek
  2. Çatı ve zeminleri onarmak
  3. Yatılı öğrenciler için güneş enerji panelleri kurmak
  4. Yağmur suyu hasadı ve su tankları
  5. Okul bahçeleri kurmak
  6. Kırtasiye ve sineklik yardımı yapmak.

Islamic Help Pangani’de 230 öğrencili Mwembeni okulunu yenilemiştir ve ilçedeki diğer okulları imar etmek için bağışları beklemektedir.

Cordoba Kız Lisesi

Topluluk çalışanları liderliğinde ve deneyimli eğitmenlerin desteğiyle Cordoba Kız Lisesi Islami değerler ışığında en yüksek eğitim standartlarına ulaşmayı hedeflemektedir. Öğrencilerimize eşşsiz fırsatlar ve deneyimler sunarak ruhsal, zihinsel, ahlaki, sosyal ve fiziksel gelişimlerine katkıda bulunmak hedefimizdir. Eğitim modeli olarak alanında lider İslami eğitmenler tarafından Amerika’da geliştirilmiş olan Tarbiyyah modelini benimsiyoruz. Tarbiyyah projesi modern Islami eğitimi revize etmek ve Islami eğitimi tekrar bütüncül kılmak üzere tasarlanmış bir vizyon, çerçeve ve programlar bütünüdür.

Tanzania: Ramadhan Food Packs

Milyonlarca inanan insan içim Ramazan mutluluk ve neşe ayıdır. Fakat Tanzanya halkı için diğer günlerden farkı yoktur. Tanzanya’nın Salih Müslümanları iftar, sahur, Bayram fark etmeksizin öğünlerinde “Ugali” denilen kaynatılmış mısır unu lapasını yiyeceklerdir çünkü. Bunun yanında başka bir yemek, hurma, tatlılar, içecekler yoktur. Sadece biraz ugali ve çamurlu su. Yakıcı sıcakta boş mideleriyle hayatta kalmak için gerekli olan mısırı yetiştirmek için ter dökerler.


“IH gıda anketinin sonuçlarına göre Pangani halkının %99u iftarda hiç hurma ve tatlı bir şey yememiş, güzel içecekler tatmamışlardır.”


Islamic Help bu yıl 2000 gıda yardımı dağıtmaktadır. Bu paketler Hong Kong’tan yapılan bağışlar sayesinde  Pangani ilçesinde , Lindi ve Darüsselam’da 10000 kişiye yardımcı olacaktır. Yardımlarımız öncelikle yetimler, dullar, fakir mahpuslar ve medrese öğrencileri ve ailelerine gitmektedir.

Allah’ın elçisi (sallallahu aleyhi vesselam) buyuruyorlar ki:
‘Her kim bir oruçluyu doyurursa ona oruç tutan kadar sevap vardır.’

{Sunan at Tirmidhi}

Her paket aşağıdakileri içermektedir:

  1. 10 kilo pirinç
  2. 5 kg kımızı kuru fasülye
  3. 5 kg şeker
  4. 3 litre sıvı yağ
  5. 5 kilo mısır veya buğday unu
  6. 2 kilo  uzun makarna
  7. 2 kilo hurma
  8. Çay
  9. Tatlı
  10. Tuz

Bir paket 4-5 kişilik bir ailenin Ramazan gıda ihtiyacını karşılamaktadır. Islamic Help ayrıca bayram zamanı yeni giysi, ayakkabı ve şekerlerden oluşan bayram hediyeleri dağıtmaktadır.

Tanzanya: Kurban

Ibrahim Aleyhisselam’ın sünnetinin izinde

Kurban bayramı Müslümanlar için Peygamber İbrahim Aleyhisselam’ın asil davranışlarının hatırlandığı kurban kesme ve kutlama zamanıdır. Sadece bir kutlama zamanı değil aynı zamanda ihtiyaç halindeki insanlara taze et dağıtmak gibi yükümlülüklerin yerine getirilme zamanıdır.

Kurban kampanyalarımızda dağıttığımız etlerin bir aileye en az bir hafta yetecek miktarda olmasına ve ihtiyaç halindeki ailelere dağıtılmasına dikkat ediyoruz.

Islamic Help Tanzanya geçtiğimiz son 5 yılda kurban kesimleri yaparak toplamda 15000 et paketi dağıtmış ve 45000den fazla ihtiyaç sahibine ulaşmıştır. Sadece 2014-2015 yıllarında Pangani İlçesinde İngiltere, Avustralya, Panama ve Hong Kong’dan gelen cömert bağışlarla İslamic Help 970 keçi ve 187 inek ve 2279 kurban kesilmiştir.

Tanzania: Qurbani

Following the Sunnah of Ibrahim ‘aleyhis-salaam:

Eid-ul-Adha is a time of celebration and sacrifice for Muslims when the noble acts of the Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) are commemorated. It is a time not only for enjoyment but to fulfill our religious obligations by distributing fresh meat to feed the poor and needy.

As a part of our Qurbani campaign we ensure that packages of meat, feeding one family for at least one week, are distributed to deprived and vulnerable families.

Islamic Help Tanzania has provided Qurbani for 5 consecutive years, distributing over 15000 packages of Qurbani meat in total and, therefore, feeding more than 45000 needy people. In 2014-2015 alone in Pangani District, Islamic Help slaughtered 970 goats and 187 cows as well as 2279 Qurbanies, with generous help of donors from UK, Australia, Panama and Hong Kong.

Tanzania: Ramadhan Food Packs

For millions, Ramadan is a period of joy and happiness. But for people of Tanzania, it is not different from any other day. The devout Muslims of Tanzania will eat same boiled maize flour called “Ugali” be it seher or aftaar, Eid or any other day. There is no other dish, no dates, no sweet, no drink on their table, just some ugali and muddy water. They have to work with empty stomachs in the sweltering heat to grow maize so that they can survive.

“According to IH food survey, 99% people in Pangani never had dates, drinks and sweets during aftaar”

Islamic Help is distributing 2000 foods packs this year, benefiting 10000 people in the Pangani District, Lindi and Dar es Salaam with the help of donors from Hong- Kong. Our beneficiaries are mostly orphans, widows, poor prisoners as well as maddrassah students.

The Messenger of Allah SallAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam said:
‘Whoever feeds a fasting person will have a reward like that of the fasting person, without any reduction in his reward.’
{Sunan at Tirmidhi}

Tanzania: Education


I Help bringing children back to schools- Investing in future

There are 34 primary schools in Pangani District with a total number of students amounting 11,525 (boys 5,789 and girls 5,736).The primary schools suffer from poor infrastructure such as lack of toilets, WASH facilities, teacher offices (39 primary school teachers are working without any office space at the moment) and dripping roofs.

Out of 34 primary schools in Pangani District, only 3 have proper toilet facilities, 4 schools have water and 3 schools have access to electricity. On average, there are 134 children in one classroom, making it almost impossible for them to concentrate and achieve their maximum potential. Most of the children drop out before reaching the secondary school.

Moreover, it is equally important to provide teachers with proper trainings – 67% of children regularly fail their English language exams. Islamic Help has comprehensive plans for the capacity building of teachers, particularly in English and IT.

Islamic Help Education project helps to rebuild the existing schools by:

1. Teacher Trainings particularly on teaching English language
2. Evening Tuition Centers
3. Building Toilets and WASH facilities
2. Repairing roof and floor
3. Installing Solar Panels for boarding students
4. Rain/Roof water harvesting and Storage
5. Building schools garden/ farms
6. Providing school stationary and mosquitoes nets for all the students

Islamic Help renovated the Mwembeni primary school (230 students) in Pangani, and we are looking for donors to help re-build other schools in the district.


With a team of leading community workers and experienced educationists as its backbone, Cordoba is dedicated to providing a truly holistic approach to education by instilling Islamic values and upholding the highest standards in academic excellence.

We strive to provide our students with opportunities and experiences that are unique, practically and timely for their spiritual, intellectual, moral, social and physical wellbeing and growth.

Our approach to education is based on the Tarbiyyah model developed in the US by leading Islamic educationists. The Tarbiyyah project is a vision, a framework, a set of programs and a strategic plan for the restoration and revitalization of contemporary Islamic education – for making Islamic education whole again.

Tanzania: Water and Sanitation Project

“Can you imagine walking 4 KM daily to fetch 20 liter water for drinking in 21th Century” Yes, it is a common phenomenon in rural areas of Tanzania.”

Access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation is necessary for health, poverty alleviation and gender equality. Yet, in Tanzania 21.6 million people do not have access to clean drinking water and have no choice but to drink water from unsafe water sources.

Nearly half of the population’s main source of water is rain fed ponds, streams, rivers and oceans. Usage of such contaminated water exposing people to risks of infectious diseases and death. In addition, women have to walk two to three kilometers a day wasting considerable time, to fetch their daily water requirements.

Sa’ad bin ‘Ubadah RadhyAllahu ‘anh asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam), What kind of charity is best ?’ He said, ‘Providing drinking water.’ {Sunan an Nasa’i}

“Every Year over 7,000 children die from diarrhea due to unsafe water and poor sanitation in Tanzania. (Water Aid Tanzania)”

Since 2009, Islamic Help Tanzania has been working to improve the wellbeing of communities by providing water solutions in the form of water pumps, boreholes, wells, rain (roof) harvesting, solar powered boreholes, establishment of Harim and water conservation and hygiene education. To date, Islamic Help has built 157 water systems in 7 Districts of Tanzania, Tanga, Mafia, Muheza, Pangani, Temeke, Ilala, Mkuranga, Kisarawe, Kilwa, Kibululu and Bagamoyo, daily benefitting over 56780 people.

“Drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold.”

Mariam 37, is living with her 3 children in Meka village, Pangani District. She used to get up at 5 early in the morning to travel 3 kilometers to fetch two buckets of water from the river side. It took her almost two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening every day to arrange water for daily drinking and cooking. “Half part of our lives is spent on fetching water for drinking”. The water that she used to fetch was not safe for consumption purposes, therefore her children often fell sick from cholera and other serious waterborne diseases. ‘This is what I am seeing from childhood; you can miss anything but cannot miss two trips of water daily. Having a water source near your house is just like a big luxury that only lucky people can have, it saves time and gives clean water for drinking” Having safe water source in the village is like a lifeline for people.

Islamic Help installed a hand-pump just a few yards away from Mariam’s house, helping 378 households to have a reliable access to safe water source. There is always a long queue of people happily waiting to fetch clean and safe water from the well. Because of the time Mariam has been able to save, she started growing vegetables in her kitchen garden, hoping to grow more in the near future which can provide her with an extra income.

Rain/Roof Harvesting Water System

Access to water, sanitation and hygiene services is very scarce in Pangani District. Only 4 out of 34 schools have access to clean drinking water which results in students often suffering from infections like Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), respiratory tract infection or dysentery.

Meka Primary School- Case Study

A primary school in Meka village has 250 students and 7 teachers (4 men, 3 women Before the successful intervention of Islamic Help, the school’s nearest water source was almost 2 kilometers away which forced children to attend make-shift unhygienic toilets. Almost 90% of them were diagnosed with UTI, an infection which can lead to lifelong health-related complications.

Islamic Help built a rainwater harvesting system having storage capacity of 5000 litres, making the water sufficient for hygiene and sanitation for the most part of the year.

“Children are very happy, they can drink the available to them water, wash their faces in hot summer and use it in toilets” says head teacher.

Water Project is changing people lives in a big way!

The villages targeted for digging water wells were suffering from acute water shortage. In many of these areas, the main sources of water were rain fed ponds, streams, rivers and oceans extremely risky for health.

In addition, women had to walk two to three kilometers a day wasting considerable time, to fetch their daily water requirements.

Water project is helping to prevent water-related diseases and death by providing impoverished communities with access to permanent sources of safe and clean drinking water. With the financial support of our prestigious donors, Islamic Help Tanzania dug 178 wells so far benefiting:


Served population:

Eco village

Tanzania : Children’s Eco Village

Islamic Help has launched and exciting and innovative project in Tanzania to support 160 orphans and vulnerable children, create jobs and livelihood for communities and to establish a legacy of sustainability and development. The Children’s Eco Village is located in the Mkurunga district, just outside the capital Dares Salaam and near the small town of Kisemvule. It is set over 30 Acre of land, green, clean, productive, pleasant and self-sustaining environment designed to nurture the physical, mental, social and spiritual growth of vulnerable orphans. Once completed- The Eco village will feature 16 homes, sports ground, an eco-mosque, community centre, library a training centre and permaculture farms. It will be home (when complete) to 160 orphans by providing care, love and affection through skilled and professional staff who will act as ‘mothers’ and care-givers to the children.

Eco Village - A Self-sustainable model

The Village operates with the vision of giving back more energy and materials to the community than is consumed, through training locals to adopt permaculture practices, poultry farming and livestock rearing. The farm will ultimately improve the local economy by providing jobs, generating income and improving food security within the Village.

The children are provided with individualized care promoting their appropriate development, education and health. Such homely and healthy environment will aid children mentally, physically, psychologically and spiritually.

Tiba Story - From desperation to decent living

When Tiba Rashid, 9, lost both of her parents to HIV, the girl’s aunt decided to take care of her. Nevertheless, very desperate conditions in which the woman was living didn’t allow the girl to continue with her education. After leaving the school, Tiba’s main daily activity became fetching water from a very far-located water source, amongst other numerous house chores. “I used to fetch water every day. Every time I reached home with a filled bucket of water, I found the other bucket empty so I kept fetching water from very far all day long. I used to be so exhausted that I could sleep on floor”.

Luckily, Islamic Help found out about the harsh situation of Tiba and admitted her to Islamic Help Eco Village. She is enjoying the best of her life now, living with her 20 friends and making most of the best class facilities. She has resumed her studies and is a very brave student in grade 4. “I can’t imagine one having a better life than this.’’

She wants to become a caring nurse, a dream she will continue to chase in the Eco Village for the rest of her childhood.

Tanzania: Trees for Change

Tanzania burns one million tons of charcoal each year, which amounts to clearing more than 300 hectares (about 750 acres) of forest every day for charcoal production. That is about 1,000 sq miles each year or the equivalent of about two New York Cities, including its five boroughs. Unfortunately, the rate of deforestation outstrips the replacement rate by about 3 to 1. This implies that for every acre planted, three are lost.

Islamic Help Trees for Change project aims to contribute towards reforestation of Tanzania. We aim to educate community on environment, and help plant one million trees in order to tackle the impact of deforestation and raise people’s incomes.

Tanzania: Orphan Care

Islamic Help’s orphan’s sponsorship scheme supports the most vulnerable orphans, caught in the throes of conflict, poverty as well as instability, living either in an orphanage or with their family members.

‘’There are 3.1 million orphans children in Tanzania, of which only about 6% receive external support, the rest are left to fend for themselves living in worst condition. (Unicef- Tanzania)’’

Our Orphans Sponsorship scheme provides a comprehensive package of support to meet the needs of each individual child, including: shelter, food, education, health care and welfare. Every month Islamic Help provides food ration including rice, beans and oil to the needy orphans at their doorstep.

“With just 30 GBP or 45 USD per month you can sponsor a widow family in Tanzania, meeting their basic requirements of food, shelter, education and health.”