Islamic Help has launched and exciting and innovative project in Tanzania to support 160 orphans and vulnerable children, create jobs and livelihood for communities and to establish a legacy of sustainability and development. The Children’s Eco Village is located in the Mkurunga district, just outside the capital Dares Salaam and near the small town of Kisemvule. It is set over 30 Acre of land, green, clean, productive, pleasant and self-sustaining environment designed to nurture the physical, mental, social and spiritual growth of vulnerable orphans. Once completed- The Eco village will feature 16 homes, sports ground, an eco-mosque, community centre, library a training centre and permaculture farms. It will be home (when complete) to 160 orphans by providing care, love and affection through skilled and professional staff who will act as ‘mothers’ and care-givers to the children.

Eco Village - A Self-sustainable model

The Village operates with the vision of giving back more energy and materials to the community than is consumed, through training locals to adopt permaculture practices, poultry farming and livestock rearing. The farm will ultimately improve the local economy by providing jobs, generating income and improving food security within the Village.

The children are provided with individualized care promoting their appropriate development, education and health. Such homely and healthy environment will aid children mentally, physically, psychologically and spiritually.

Tiba Story - From desperation to decent living

When Tiba Rashid, 9, lost both of her parents to HIV, the girl’s aunt decided to take care of her. Nevertheless, very desperate conditions in which the woman was living didn’t allow the girl to continue with her education. After leaving the school, Tiba’s main daily activity became fetching water from a very far-located water source, amongst other numerous house chores. “I used to fetch water every day. Every time I reached home with a filled bucket of water, I found the other bucket empty so I kept fetching water from very far all day long. I used to be so exhausted that I could sleep on floor”.

Luckily, Islamic Help found out about the harsh situation of Tiba and admitted her to Islamic Help Eco Village. She is enjoying the best of her life now, living with her 20 friends and making most of the best class facilities. She has resumed her studies and is a very brave student in grade 4. “I can’t imagine one having a better life than this.’’

She wants to become a caring nurse, a dream she will continue to chase in the Eco Village for the rest of her childhood.

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